The New Price Is Right ( 1972 - ??
2024-08-24 15:10:22,最后更新于
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After a 7-Season absence, "The Price is Right" (TPiR) returned to the airwaves on the CBS-TV Network on September 4-8, 1972 in an extensively revamped format as "The New Price is Right" from September 4, 1972 to March 23, 1973 and which has endured to this day. The format of this Bob Barker-hosted series was simple: Announcer Johnny Olsen, Rod Roddy and now Rich Fields calls out the names of four people at the start of the show and tells them to "C'mon down!" A prize is shown and described always fingered by beautiful women {ergo: The Barker's Beauties}. The 4 contestants came to "Contestant's Row" 1 at a time give 1 bid (in dollars($) only) on the prize and they mustn't exceed the actual retail price (ARP) of the item to be known the overbid. After Barker announces the ARP (or the bidding process repeated if everyone overbids ergo: The Lowest Bid is i.e.: $600), the contestant who bid closest is invited on stage to play a pricing game for a larger prize. Prizes at this stage of the game included cars, trips, rooms of furniture, cash, etc. {The Pricing Games}; furs were also given away during the early years, but this practice was dropped as per Barker's wishes (because of his involvement in animal rights issues). From the original 3 games played in 1972, the number of pricing games has grown to more than 70 with each having their own set of rules some games involved pricing grocery or small, everyday items; others involved chance, deduction, skill and/or patience. After each pricing game was played, 1 more contestant was called from the audience to "c'mon down" and another 1-bid item was shown. After 3 pricing games, the 2 contestants with the highest winnings will go to the Showcase. 2 Showcases (i.e., prize packages worth several thousand dollars) were shown, 1 at a time; the top price-valued winning contestant had the choice to bid on the showcase or pass it to his/her opponent and force him/her to bid. The contestant coming closest, without exceeding the ARP of his/her own showcase won their showcase; all Showcase contestants who overbid or didn't come the closest to the ARP of their showcase lost everything they were shown. The syndicated series was identical on September 11-17, 1972 except that it was hosted by veteran TV host Dennis James and the prizes were more upmarket. On December 1-5, 1975: The daytime show expanded from 30 minutes (1/2 Hour) to 60 minutes (1 Hour) and now having 6 pricing games after IUFB's and also added a new feature called "The Showcase Showdown featuring The Big Pricing Wheel": After 3 contestants have played their pricing games each has the chance to spin a large wheel in an attempt to get as close to but not to go over $1 total {ergo: The Wheel Spaces: 5cents (Nickel)-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100=$1.}; hitting $1 exactly for 1 Spin (or in a combination of 2 spins) from December 1, 1975 to June 23, 1978 meant a bonus $1000 and from June 26, 1978 to the rest of the period. Contestants raised $1 were allowed to spin again in an attempt to win $5000 for 5 & 15 cents aka "The Green Section" that paint it green {ergo: $6000} or $10,000 for "The Same $1 as Before and Afterwards" {ergo: $11,000}. The 2 winners of these 2 Showcase Showdowns goes to the Showcase. Also, The Showcase contestants who bid closer than $100 in 1972-1973 and in 1998-1999: $250 to the ARP of their own showcase won both showcases. Numerous other changes have taken place through the years and several prime-time specials have aired. TPiR's 5000th show aired in March 1998 at which time the studio where the show is shot was renamed the Bob Barker studio (formerly Studio 33} since "THE TOAST OF THE TOWN aka THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW" on December 10, 1967. In 2002 TPiR's 6000th Show aired. For 1 Bidder whom made the exact bid right collects $100 in 1972-1973 and on November 12, 1998 to the rest of the period: $500 and on the Nighttime Specials: $1000. Written by Brian Rathjen {briguy_52732@yahoo.com}
译文(3): 在缺席了7个赛季之后;价格合适”;(TPiR)于1972年9月4日至8日以一种被广泛修改的格式“;新的价格是正确的";从1972年9月4日到1973年3月23日,一直持续到今天。鲍勃·巴克主持的这个系列节目的形式很简单:播音员约翰尼·奥尔森、罗德·罗德和现在的里奇·菲尔兹在节目开始时喊出四个人的名字,然后告诉他们;快下来";奖品总是由美丽的女人展示和描述{ergo:巴克的美女}。4名参赛者来到“;参赛者排”;1次出价1次(仅以美元($)计),且不得超过被称为超额出价的物品的实际零售价(ARP)。在巴克宣布ARP(或者如果每个人都出价过高,则重复出价过程:最低出价即:600美元)后,出价最接近的选手被邀请上台玩定价游戏,以获得更大的奖金。游戏这一阶段的奖品包括汽车、旅行、家具房间、现金等。{定价游戏};早年也有人赠送毛皮,但根据巴克的意愿(因为他参与了动物权利问题),这种做法被取消了。从1972年最初的3款游戏开始,定价游戏的数量已经增长到70多款,每款游戏都有自己的一套规则——有些游戏涉及对杂货或日常小物品进行定价;其他则涉及机会、推理、技巧和/或耐心。在每个定价游戏进行之后,从观众中再叫1名参赛者“玩”;来吧;并且示出了另一个1位项目。在3场定价游戏后,奖金最高的2名选手将前往展示会。展示了2个展示案例(即价值数千美元的奖品包),每次1个;价格最高的获胜选手可以选择在展示会上出价,也可以将其传给对手并强迫其出价。最接近的选手在不超过他/她自己展示的ARP的情况下赢得了他们的展示;所有出价过高或没有最接近展示ARP的Showcase参赛者都失去了展示的一切。1972年9月11日至17日,除了由资深电视主持人丹尼斯·詹姆斯主持外,这部辛迪加电视剧完全相同,而且奖项更高档。1975年12月1日至5日:日间节目从30分钟(1/2小时)扩展到60分钟(1小时),现在有6款定价游戏,仅次于IUFB,还增加了一个名为“;以The Big Pricing Wheel为特色的Showcase Showdown”:在3名参赛者玩完定价游戏后,每个人都有机会旋转一个大轮子,试图接近但不超过1美元的总金额{ergo:the wheel Spaces:5美分(镍币)-10-15-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100=1美元};从1975年12月1日到1978年6月23日,一次旋转(或两次旋转的组合)正好达到1美元意味着奖金为1000美元,从1978年6日26日到这段时间的剩余时间。筹集到1美元的参赛者被允许再次旋转,试图以5&;15美分,又名“;绿色部分”;将其涂成绿色{ergo:6000美元}或10000美元作为“绿色”;与之前和之后相同的$1”;{ergo:11000美元}。这两次Showcase Showdown的两名获胜者将进入Showcase。此外,The Showcase的参赛者在1972-1973年和1998-1999年的出价分别接近100美元和250美元,赢得了两次展示。这些年来发生了许多其他变化,并播出了几部黄金时段的特别节目。TPiR的第5000场演出于1998年3月播出,当时拍摄该剧的工作室于1967年12月10日更名为鲍勃·巴克工作室(前身为33号工作室),称为“TOAST OF the TOWN,又名ED SULLIVAN show”。2002年,TPiR的第6000期节目播出。获得确切投标权的1名投标人在1972年至1973年期间收取100美元,1998年11月12日至该期间剩余时间收取500美元,夜间特惠收取1000美元。作者:Brian Rathjen{briguy_52732@yahoo.com}
The Price Is Right
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电视剧《The Price Is Right》的剧情详细介绍
◎影片名称:The Price Is Right
◎影片别名:The New Price Is Right ( 1972 - ??? ),The New Price Is Right
◎影片导演:Paul Alter Marc Breslow
◎影片主演:鲍勃·巴克 Janice Pennington
◎更新时间:2024-08-24 15:10:22
After a 7-Season absence, "The Price is Right" (TPiR) returned to the airwaves on the CBS-TV Network on September 4-8, 1972 in an extensively revamped format as "The New Price is Right" from September 4, 1972 to March 23, 1973 and which has endured to this day. The format of this Bob Barker-hosted series was simple: Announcer Johnny Olsen, Rod Roddy and now Rich Fields calls out the names of four people at the start of the show and tells them to "C'mon down!" A prize is shown and described always fingered by beautiful women {ergo: The Barker's Beauties}. The 4 contestants came to "Contestant's Row" 1 at a time give 1 bid (in dollars($) only) on the prize and they mustn't exceed the actual retail price (ARP) of the item to be known the overbid. After Barker announces the ARP (or the bidding process repeated if everyone overbids ergo: The Lowest Bid is i.e.: $600), the contestant who bid closest is invited on stage to play a pricing game for a larger prize. Prizes at this stage of the game included cars, trips, rooms of furniture, cash, etc. {The Pricing Games}; furs were also given away during the early years, but this practice was dropped as per Barker's wishes (because of his involvement in animal rights issues). From the original 3 games played in 1972, the number of pricing games has grown to more than 70 with each having their own set of rules some games involved pricing grocery or small, everyday items; others involved chance, deduction, skill and/or patience. After each pricing game was played, 1 more contestant was called from the audience to "c'mon down" and another 1-bid item was shown. After 3 pricing games, the 2 contestants with the highest winnings will go to the Showcase. 2 Showcases (i.e., prize packages worth several thousand dollars) were shown, 1 at a time; the top price-valued winning contestant had the choice to bid on the showcase or pass it to his/her opponent and force him/her to bid. The contestant coming closest, without exceeding the ARP of his/her own showcase won their showcase; all Showcase contestants who overbid or didn't come the closest to the ARP of their showcase lost everything they were shown. The syndicated series was identical on September 11-17, 1972 except that it was hosted by veteran TV host Dennis James and the prizes were more upmarket. On December 1-5, 1975: The daytime show expanded from 30 minutes (1/2 Hour) to 60 minutes (1 Hour) and now having 6 pricing games after IUFB's and also added a new feature called "The Showcase Showdown featuring The Big Pricing Wheel": After 3 contestants have played their pricing games each has the chance to spin a large wheel in an attempt to get as close to but not to go over $1 total {ergo: The Wheel Spaces: 5cents (Nickel)-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100=$1.}; hitting $1 exactly for 1 Spin (or in a combination of 2 spins) from December 1, 1975 to June 23, 1978 meant a bonus $1000 and from June 26, 1978 to the rest of the period. Contestants raised $1 were allowed to spin again in an attempt to win $5000 for 5 & 15 cents aka "The Green Section" that paint it green {ergo: $6000} or $10,000 for "The Same $1 as Before and Afterwards" {ergo: $11,000}. The 2 winners of these 2 Showcase Showdowns goes to the Showcase. Also, The Showcase contestants who bid closer than $100 in 1972-1973 and in 1998-1999: $250 to the ARP of their own showcase won both showcases. Numerous other changes have taken place through the years and several prime-time specials have aired. TPiR's 5000th show aired in March 1998 at which time the studio where the show is shot was renamed the Bob Barker studio (formerly Studio 33} since "THE TOAST OF THE TOWN aka THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW" on December 10, 1967. In 2002 TPiR's 6000th Show aired. For 1 Bidder whom made the exact bid right collects $100 in 1972-1973 and on November 12, 1998 to the rest of the period: $500 and on the Nighttime Specials: $1000. Written by Brian Rathjen {briguy_52732@yahoo.com}
译文(3): 在缺席了7个赛季之后;价格合适”;(TPiR)于1972年9月4日至8日以一种被广泛修改的格式“;新的价格是正确的";从1972年9月4日到1973年3月23日,一直持续到今天。鲍勃·巴克主持的这个系列节目的形式很简单:播音员约翰尼·奥尔森、罗德·罗德和现在的里奇·菲尔兹在节目开始时喊出四个人的名字,然后告诉他们;快下来";奖品总是由美丽的女人展示和描述{ergo:巴克的美女}。4名参赛者来到“;参赛者排”;1次出价1次(仅以美元($)计),且不得超过被称为超额出价的物品的实际零售价(ARP)。在巴克宣布ARP(或者如果每个人都出价过高,则重复出价过程:最低出价即:600美元)后,出价最接近的选手被邀请上台玩定价游戏,以获得更大的奖金。游戏这一阶段的奖品包括汽车、旅行、家具房间、现金等。{定价游戏};早年也有人赠送毛皮,但根据巴克的意愿(因为他参与了动物权利问题),这种做法被取消了。从1972年最初的3款游戏开始,定价游戏的数量已经增长到70多款,每款游戏都有自己的一套规则——有些游戏涉及对杂货或日常小物品进行定价;其他则涉及机会、推理、技巧和/或耐心。在每个定价游戏进行之后,从观众中再叫1名参赛者“玩”;来吧;并且示出了另一个1位项目。在3场定价游戏后,奖金最高的2名选手将前往展示会。展示了2个展示案例(即价值数千美元的奖品包),每次1个;价格最高的获胜选手可以选择在展示会上出价,也可以将其传给对手并强迫其出价。最接近的选手在不超过他/她自己展示的ARP的情况下赢得了他们的展示;所有出价过高或没有最接近展示ARP的Showcase参赛者都失去了展示的一切。1972年9月11日至17日,除了由资深电视主持人丹尼斯·詹姆斯主持外,这部辛迪加电视剧完全相同,而且奖项更高档。1975年12月1日至5日:日间节目从30分钟(1/2小时)扩展到60分钟(1小时),现在有6款定价游戏,仅次于IUFB,还增加了一个名为“;以The Big Pricing Wheel为特色的Showcase Showdown”:在3名参赛者玩完定价游戏后,每个人都有机会旋转一个大轮子,试图接近但不超过1美元的总金额{ergo:the wheel Spaces:5美分(镍币)-10-15-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100=1美元};从1975年12月1日到1978年6月23日,一次旋转(或两次旋转的组合)正好达到1美元意味着奖金为1000美元,从1978年6日26日到这段时间的剩余时间。筹集到1美元的参赛者被允许再次旋转,试图以5&;15美分,又名“;绿色部分”;将其涂成绿色{ergo:6000美元}或10000美元作为“绿色”;与之前和之后相同的$1”;{ergo:11000美元}。这两次Showcase Showdown的两名获胜者将进入Showcase。此外,The Showcase的参赛者在1972-1973年和1998-1999年的出价分别接近100美元和250美元,赢得了两次展示。这些年来发生了许多其他变化,并播出了几部黄金时段的特别节目。TPiR的第5000场演出于1998年3月播出,当时拍摄该剧的工作室于1967年12月10日更名为鲍勃·巴克工作室(前身为33号工作室),称为“TOAST OF the TOWN,又名ED SULLIVAN show”。2002年,TPiR的第6000期节目播出。获得确切投标权的1名投标人在1972年至1973年期间收取100美元,1998年11月12日至该期间剩余时间收取500美元,夜间特惠收取1000美元。作者:Brian Rathjen{briguy_52732@yahoo.com}
艾薇影视为您整理了电视剧《The Price Is Right》的相关资讯,《The Price Is Right》于美国上映,是一部由导演Paul Alter Marc Breslow 导演执导,鲍勃·巴克 Janice Pennington 等演员精彩演绎的美国电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上艾薇影视(www.qprc.net),本网站同时也提供《The Price Is Right》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。
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